Compiling XCSoar

The Build System

A big plain Makefile is used to control the XCSoar build. GNU extensions are allowed.

This chapter describes the internals of our build system.

Linker parameters

The following variables (or variable suffixes) appear in the Makefile (conforming to automake conventions):

  • LDFLAGS: Linker flags, such as -static or -Wl,..., but not -l.

  • LDLIBS: All -l flags, e.g. -lGL.

  • LDADD: Path names of static libraries, e.g. /usr/lib/libz.a.

Search directories (-L) are technically linker “flags”, but they are allowed in LDLIBS, too.

Compiling XCSoar on Linux

The make command is used to launch the XCSoar build process.

Most of this chapter describes how to build XCSoar on Linux, with examples for Debian/Ubuntu. A cross-compiler is used to build binaries for other operating systems (for example Android and Windows).

Getting the Source Code

The XCSoar source code is managed with git. It can be downloaded with the following command:

git clone

To update your repository, type:

git pull

To update third-party libraries used by XCSoar (such as Boost), type:

git submodule update --init --recursive

For more information, please read to the git documentation.


The following is needed for all targets:

The following command installs these on Debian:

sudo apt-get install make \
    librsvg2-bin xsltproc \
    imagemagick gettext sox \
    git quilt zip \
    m4 automake

Target-specific Build Instructions

Compiling for Linux/UNIX

The following additional packages are needed to build for Linux and similar operating systems:

The following command installs these on Debian:

sudo apt-get install make g++  zlib1g-dev \
    libfmt-dev \
    libdbus-1-dev \
    libsodium-dev \
    libfreetype6-dev \
    libpng-dev libjpeg-dev \
    libtiff5-dev libgeotiff-dev \
    libc-ares-dev \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    libssl-dev \
    libc-ares-dev \
    liblua5.4-dev \
    libxml-parser-perl \
    libasound2-dev \
    librsvg2-bin xsltproc \
    imagemagick gettext \
    mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libegl1-mesa-dev \
    libinput-dev \

To compile, run:


You may specify one of the following targets with TARGET=x:


regular build (the default setting)


generate 32 bit binary


generate 64 bit binary


alias for UNIX with optimisation and no debugging

Compiling for Android

For Android, you need:

On Debian:

sudo apt-get install
    default-jdk-headless \
    vorbis-tools \

The required Android SDK components are:

  • Android SDK Build-Tools 33.0.2

  • SDK Platform 33

These can be installed from the Android Studio SDK Manager, or using the SDK command line tools:

tools/bin/sdkmanager  “build-tools;33.0.2”  “platforms;android-33”

The Makefile assumes that the Android SDK is installed in ~/opt/android-sdk-linux and the NDK is installed in ~/opt/android-ndk-r26d. You can use the options ANDROID_SDK and ANDROID_NDK to override these paths.

Load/update the IOIO source code:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To compile, run:


Use one of the following targets:




for ARM CPUs (same as ANDROID7)


for ARMv7 CPUs (32 bit)


for 64 bit ARM CPUs


for x86-32 CPUs


for x86-64 CPUs


“fat” package for all supported CPUs

Compiling for Windows

To cross-compile to (desktop) Windows, you need Mingw-w64.

The following command installs it on Debian:

sudo apt-get install g++-mingw-w64

To compile for 32 bit Windows, run:


Use one of the following targets:


32 bit Windows (i686)


Windows x64 (amd64 / x86-64)

Compiling for iOS and macOS

On macOS, the following tools are required:

  • png2icns from libicns to build for macOS

  • dpkg to build the iOS IPA package

  • mkisofs to build the macOS DMG package

To compile for iOS / AArch64, run:

make TARGET=IOS64 ipa

To compile for iOS / ARMv7, run:

make TARGET=IOS32 ipa

To compile for macOS / x86_64, run:

make TARGET=OSX64 dmg

Compiling for macOS (with Homebrew)

Install the required Homebrew packages:

brew install \
  automake autoconf libtool \
  pkg-config \
  quilt \
  librsvg \
  imagemagick gettext sox \
  fmt \
  sdl2 \
  libsodium \
  freetype \
  libpng libjpeg-turbo \
  libtiff libgeotiff proj \
  c-ares \
  curl \

Then compile:

make dmg

Compiling on the Raspberry Pi 4

Install additional dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libdrm-dev libgbm-dev \
    libgles2-mesa-dev \



Compiling for the Raspberry Pi 1-3

You need an ARM toolchain. For example, you can use the Debian package g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf:


To optimize for the Raspberry Pi 2 (which has an ARMv7 with NEON instead of an ARMv6):


These targets are only used for cross-compiling on a (desktop) computer. If you compile on the Raspberry Pi, the default target will auto-detect the Pi.

Compiling for the Cubieboard

To compile, run:


This target is only used for cross-compiling on a (desktop) computer. If you compile on the Cubieboard, the default target will auto-detect the Cubieboard.

Compiling for Kobo E-book Readers

An ARM toolchain is bootstrapped during the build automatically.

To compile XCSoar, run:


To build the kobo install file KoboRoot.tgz, you need the following Debian packages:

sudo apt-get install \
    fakeroot \
    python3-setuptools \

Then compile using this command:

make TARGET=KOBO output/KOBO/KoboRoot.tgz
Building USB-OTG Kobo Kernel

To build a USB-OTG capable kernel for the Kobo, clone the git repository:

git clone

Check out the correct branch. For the Kobo Mini, this is the branch kobo-mini, for the Kobo Glo HD, the branch is called kobo-glohd, and for the Kobo Aura 2, use the branch kobo-aura2:

git checkout kobo-mini

Configure the kernel using the configuration files from the kobo/kernel directory in XCSoar’s git repository. For the Kobo Mini, install a gcc 4.4 cross compiler, for example in /opt. For the Kobo Glo HD and Aura 2, install a gcc 4.6 cross compiler

To compile a kernel image for the Kobo Mini, type:

make \
    CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2010q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi- \
    ARCH=arm uImage

To compile a kernel image for the Kobo Glo HD, type:

make \
    CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_6-2012q4/bin/arm-none-eabi- \
    ARCH=arm uImage

Copy uImage to the Kobo. Kernel images can be installed with the following command:

dd if=/path/to/uImage of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=2048

Note that XCSoar’s rcS script may overwrite the kernel image automatically under certain conditions. To use a new kernel permanently, install it in /opt/xcsoar/lib/kernel. Read the file kobo/rcS to find out more about this.

To include kernel images in KoboRoot.tgz, copy uImage.otg, uImage.kobo, uImage.glohd.otg, uImage.glohd, uImage.aura2 and uImage.aura2.otg to /opt/kobo/kernel.

Editing the Manuals

The XCSoar documententation (except for the developer manual) is written using the TeX markup language. You can edit the source files with any text editor, although a specific TeX editor (e.g. LateXila) makes it easier.

Source files are located in the en, fr, de, pl subdirectories of the doc/manual directory. The Developer manual is in the doc/manual/en directory. The generated files are put into the output/manual directory.

To generate the PDF manuals, you need the TexLive package, plus some European languages.

The following command installs these on Debian:

sudo apt-get install texlive \
    texlive-latex-extra \
    texlive-luatex \
    texlive-lang-french \
    texlive-lang-polish \
    texlive-lang-german \
    texlive-lang-portuguese \

The documentation is distributed as PDF files. Generating the PDFs from the TeX files is done by typing:

make manual

A lot of warnings are generated… this is normal. Check for the presence of PDF files to ensure that the generation process was successful.


Parallel Build

Most contemporary computers have multiple CPU cores. To take advantage of these, use the make -j option:

make -j12

This command launches 12 compiler processes at the same time.

Rule of thumb: choose a number that is slightly larger than the number of CPU cores in your computer. 12 is a good choice for a computer with 8 CPU cores.

Optimised Build

By default, debugging is enabled and compiler optimisations are disabled. The resulting binaries are very slow. During development, that is helpful, because it catches more bugs.

To produce optimised binaries, use the option DEBUG:

make DEBUG=n

Be sure to clean the output directory before you change the DEBUG setting, because debug and non-debug output files are not compatible.

The convenience target OPT is a shortcut for:


It allows building both debug and non-debug incrementally, because two different output directories are used.

Compiling with ccache

To speed up the compilation of XCSoar we can use ccache to cache the object files for us. All we have to do is install ccache and add USE_CCACHE=y to the make command line:

sudo apt-get install ccache

Using a build VM with Vagrant

An easy way to install a virtual machine with all build dependencies required for various targets (e.g. Linux, Windows, Android and Kobo), is using Vagrant.

The following is needed to install the VM with Vagrant:

The Vagrantfile can be found in the ide/vagrant subfolder of the source. To set up the VM, and connect to it, type:

cd ide/vagrant
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

The XCSoar source directory on the host is automatically mounted as a shared folder at /xcsoar-host-src in the VM. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to compile directly in this folder. A git clone of this directory is automatically created in the home directory (`` /xcsoar-src``), which should be used instead. In this git clone, the XSoar source directory on the host is preconfigured as a git remote named “host”, and the XCSoar master directory is preconfigured as a remote named “master”.

To shutdown the VM, type:

vagrant halt